Learning for Creativity
Collaborate with
Breaking the Wall
Starting at £150
Workshops for pupils and young people include:
Film and Screen
Staff Training
Starting at £150
Staff training opportunities include:
Introducing woodwork in the classroom
Developing Film and Screen in Early Years
Developing Film and Screen in Primary
Introduction to Coding
Exploring Art in the classroom
Starting at £300
Developing teaching for creativity including STEM, Film and Screen, and Coding:
Local authority level consultation
Individual establishment consultation
Managing/collaborating with working parties
Community Engagement
Starting at £150
Developing opportunities for creativity within local areas to access technology and the expressive arts, including:
Film Schools for all ages
“Access to Technology” workshops for Senior Citizens
Art workshops
Out of School clubs
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Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!